Manisha Sharma Fine Art

"creativity is a journey through the realms of infinite possibilities"
-Manisha Sharma Bhasin

"discovering truth in art"
-Manisha Sharma Bhasin

20% off initial purchase

Manisha Sharma Fine Art
"when you buy from an independent artist you are buying hundreds of hours of experimentation and thousands of failures. You are buying days, weeks, months, years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You aren't just buying a thing, you are buying a piece of heart, part of a soul. A private moment in someones's life. Most importantly, you are buying that artist more time to do something they are truly passionate about; something that makes all of the above worth the fear and doubt; something that puts the life into living". ~ Rebekah Joy Plett

Manisha Sharma Fine Art
"You are here to dissolve your imaginary constrains that have held you back from realizing your true self. You are here to be set free". ~Manisha Sharma Bhasin

Manisha Sharma Fine Art
"Don't just dream big....live your passion and make it your reality".
Thank you for visiting Namaste.

Residing in South Florida Manisha Sharma is an Indo-American mother, artist, poet, author, and spiritual thinker with ethnic roots from India. Being born in India the abode of spirituality, she finds she is able to translate universal spiritual energy, and expresses it through her works. She creates her art with the use of acrylics, oils, charcoals, inks, pastels, organic paints, and digital mediums. She describes her works as a blend of spirituality and art.
She loves using vibrant colors in her compositions and says it energizes her soul.
She firmly believes that colors can evoke passionate feelings and emotions and can be used as tools in unblocking one's own energies otherwise suppressed or blocked unconsciously. Colors in nature or art are therapeutic and can be used as healing therapy to revive and rejuvenate the soul. She is never afraid to try new color combinations and compositions. Manisha's intention for creating her pieces are to help transform individuals to realize wholeness, peace, and serenity, through her art, consciously and to reveal self evident truths from within. Her humble attempt is to connect with people on a deeper level to help bring them into the present moment, because life exists only now. Her message is for all to believe that the grace of the creator is radiating upon all. Om Shanti. She can be commissioned to create custom pieces.
Art Showcase
Art for sale 20% off initial purchase
"Color Dance"

Studies have proven certain colors influence the way we feel. Did you know the color Purple generates the feelings of self-respect, dignity and self worth. People who choose to put this color in their environment are drawn to its spiritual qualities, special and unique characteristics associated with wealth, royalty and extravagance.
Red is powerful, confident and get noticed. Red gives us energy. Red will increase your heart rate and get you excited.
Yellow encourages open-mindedness and attention to detail. Yellow carries the same healing qualities as the Sun. All shades of Yellows and Golds can cheer you up and help make you feel happier.
Blue peaceful and calm. Blue promotes trust, peace and tranquility. Turquoise encourages clarity in thoughts, feelings, communication, and is youthful, and approachable. Pink is the color of compassion and an open heart. If you want to connect with someone reach for Pink. Orange is high energy it urges you to go out into the world and create something grand. Green is nurturing, earthy, rich, sophisticated and generates an atmosphere of calm, secure, soothing, balance and harmony. Green also confirms the arrival of something new.
Brown is dependable and down to earth. Make your relationships solid with Brown. Brown also increases decisiveness and concentration. Black/Grey are power colors that show you are serious. Great for protection and fashion forward. White is fresh, bright outlook, and represents cleansing. White gives you a clean slate. New Opportunities, fresh new ideas and a sense of serenity. Burgundy is to rise to the occasion with finesse and sets you apart. Just like Purple Burgundy is also aligned with royalty. Available for Purchase $1500 24x36 mixed media digital art.
custom sizes furnished upon request
"Gautama Buddha"

"If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another." A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again: but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless. Then he is in truth called wise." "You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger."
~Gautama Buddha (available for purchase)
12x24 $800 Digital art mixed media print
24x36 $1500 Digital art mixed media print
36x48 $2200 Digital art mixed media print
"Birds of Paradise"
this colorful master piece is sure to brighten any room. Available for purchase mixed media
Digital Prints 12x24 $300
24x36 $500
"Sthula Sharira"

Gross body is physical body that is made up of the Panchmahabhutas-the five primordial elements,
Akash (vacuum), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water) and Prithvi (earth) and is subject to a sixfold change:
Birth, subsistence, growth, maturity, decay, and death. This is the dense physical body. Gross body is simply the vehicle of all the other principles (bodies) during physical incarnation. Annamaya & part (physical manifestation) of Pranamaya kosh reside in gross (physical) body. Gross body needs gross food, drink, and air which it gets from Annamaya and Pranamaya Kosha. At death the physical body perishes and its five constituent elements are dissolved. Digital mixed media art
12x24 $1000
24x36 $2000
custom size available upon request.
"Crimson state of mind"

When the sky is full of dull grey clouds she goes into her crimson state of mind. Igniting her fire from within. Nothing clarifies her soul other than the color Red. Passion, anger, anxiety, violence, blood, intensity, love, lust, longing, attention, and attraction. Red is a bold, fiery, strong, her favorite hue in her psyche.
Available for Purchase $1000 12x24
"Yin and Yang"

dualism, bright-black, positive-negative disorder-order, opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world. material energy organized into cycles of Yin and Yang. available for purchase $500 12 x 24
24 x 36 $1000
"Clutches of Covid-19 INDIA"

24 x 36 India Covid-19 Almost a year later as a second wave of Covid-19 has thrown India and its citizens into turmoil. As the World stands united to pray for it and pledges to help. $200 still Available
Any Purchase during the month of May, June, July 2021 will be donated directly to India.
"Guardian Angel"

She walks with you through difficulties, she walks with you through joy, heaven and hell and beyond. She's right by your side. Do you believe in angels? Digital art mixed media
Available for purchase $1000
"Angst of woman"
A woman angst embraces the art of uncertainty and deals with those emotions intensely. This depiction with black charcoal and white paper creates the intense feelings the woman has to deal with. The dark heavy lines and the contrast creates a deep enigmatic mood. Typically traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, are those of the stereotypical feminine but angst of woman is the most intense energy output from a woman. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."-William Congreve black and white charcoal on paper 12x24
available for purchase $1000

"I Am That I AM". Absolute unmanifested reality or truth.
Om refers to the Supreme Infinite spirit.
Tat refers to That. (all that is)
Sat refers to the absolute truth. ( the one and only reality)
available for purchase 12x24 $200
24x36 $400
36x48 $600

In the words of Rumi "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lover's don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along." 12x24" Acrylic on canvas
available for purchase $2000
"Ananda" Bliss body

Ananda a joy that changes and dances itself in many ways. Your soul has the answers, tune into your awareness, connect with the essence of your true being. We are all moving toward our own self expression of our souls. Compassion, truth, strength, beauty, bliss, love, wisdom, kindness, each of these qualities brings you to your own true essence. What keeps life beautiful is the constant creativity of your soul.
Print 12 x 24 can. be printed on any garment. $250 Digital media art available for purchase. Custom sizes available upon request. Print 12 x 24 can. be printed on any garment. $250 Digital media art

old master's color palette
pastels on paper 12x18
available for purchase $500

Do not be afraid of change. Change allows us to see things with a set of new eyes. Change allows us to go beyond the usual and step into the unknown. Change is unavoidable, yet liberating, and also truly healing. 12 x 24 available for purchase $750. 24x36 $1300 (SOLD)
"Tsunami" Black waves
Tsunami of deep Black waves.
I Immerse myself in the Tsunami of Black waves and become one with the dark waters only to be dissolved without any boundaries.
In Asian cultures oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water are revered as living entities. Nature is regarded as self, and the boundaries between self and nature become invisible.
$500 12 x 24 digital print available for purchase. Custom sizes also available upon request.

trapped in duality. Between the material and spiritual realms which is our true identity and existence? That which is our physical identification which can be seen, felt, touched, heard, and thought of, or our existential reality that can only be experienced through blissfuly living in this physical realm?
36x48 Acrylic on canvas
available for purchase $3000
"Mandala" Wholeness

Geometric pattern representing the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically.
12x24 $200 digital mixed media art
24x36 $400 digital mixed media art
available for purchase.
"chakras rising"

Kundalini is the divine universal feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine, in the muladhara. all 12x24 acrylic on canvas
can be recreated upon request

spring love in Paris. 12x24 charcoal, Acrylic on canvas available for purchase $500
"twist n turn"
12x24 $500 Digital print
24x36 $700 Digital Print
36x48 $1000 Digital Print
Available for purchase
"Turquoise soul"

in the depths of my turquoise soul, there are dreams to be realized...
12x24 Acrylic on canvas
available for purchase $1500
"Sankhara" or "volition"

aspects of the mind that apprehend the quality of an object, and that have the ability to color the mind. available for purchase $2000
mixed media digital art 24 x 36
"Palm Beach"

color and textures brought to life in 12x24 acrylic floral available for purchase $500
"Tsunami" Red waves
Tsunami of red waves $300 12 x 24 digital print available for purchase
"White Oleanders"

Bouquet of white Oleanders celebrates the natural world with its full leaves and clusters of bloom 36x48"
Acrylic Available for purchase $5000
"Spring garden"

the beauty of spring is in the vibrancy of colors in the garden. 24 x 36 digital art available for purchase $1200
"Tsunami" Blue waves
Tsunami of blue waves.
$300 12x24 available for Purchase
Digital print mixed media
"Freddie Mercury" 09/05/1946-11/24/1991"

charcoal on paper drawing available for purchase $250

In the depth of her deep dark enigmatic eyes
He saw his
and future
her gaze commanded wildfires
to surrender
she could drown oceans
make volcanos explode
she could conquer darkness
She could tame any beast.
with every breath she inhaled
her passion for life
exuded her purpose to ignite flames
every man, woman, child, animal or beast
sparing none
enslaving him for lifetimes
capturing his soul
she was the empress of his heart
and the queen of his soul.
~destiny $1000 available 24 x 36 mixed media print

12x24 acrylic mandala, third eye, sound of creation, That which is not Available for purchase $900
"within red seas"

within each there is a reservoir of passion which is compelling of desires and longing to be more than one is. Some find this expression to be the ultimate driving force to become more than what they are.
12x24 Acrylic on canvas available for purchase $350
"Guiding light"

Light symbolizes knowledge and wisdom of self. At the time of death as the Soul travels away from earth through the different astral planes. The Soul is met with a glowing guiding light to help the Soul transition from the physical realm to its journey through after life into the other realms. 12x24 $300 Available for purchase
mixed media digital art

Kara from Karappo meaning void in Japanese and oke from okesutura or orchestra. 12x24 Digital print $500
24x36 Digital print $800
36x48 Digital print $1500
available for purchase
"Above and Beyond"

24 x 36 mixed media digital available for purchase $1000
"Karmic ladder"

refers to both the executed 'deed, work, action, act' and the 'object, intent'.
available for purchase 12x24 $300 and 24x36 $500 mixed media digital art
"Ode to Starbucks"
12x18 acrylic on canvas for all those that love Starbucks this one is for you! $300
"Vicenza Northern Italy"
sunrise and water lilies create a mood of peace, and serenity with this beautiful ombre sunset 12"x24" acrylic on canvas $400
"Purple mourning"

little by little, one moment at a time, we let go of our loss, but never of our love. Saying good bye is never easy. better to say until we meet again...and again perhaps in another realms of reality. Illusion? Dualities? Life? Death? or simply Love?
Available for purchase $1000 36x48
mixed media digital art

unbecoming everything that isn't really you. So you can be who you were meant to. 12x24 $500
24x36 $800
Digital mixed media art
available for purchase
"Love birds"

till death do us part.
12x24 Digital print $500
24x36 Digital print $1000
available for purchase

Perfect for home or office this piece conveys innocence and simplicity
12x24 digital print $300
24x36 digital print $500
36x48 digital print $900
custom size available upon request
Motivational Art
Inspire someone today, perfect for gift giving. Cheer up friends and family members, or coworkers. Already framed ready to hang 24x36 $299+ plus shipping.